Information Technology

單圖版圖片 嘉義8大社團組隊一同宣導捐血活動

Information Technology

Privacy Information Protection Movement
After the official announcement of the Personal Data Protection Act and its enforcement rules, privacy has gotten more multivariate protections. The act substantially impacts the organizations containing massive personal information. It is imperative to devote resources to construct information security systems, develop policies, and protective measures.
The personal data management committee was established in the Foundation at the beginning of 2013, as the highest directing juristiction of all blood centers on personal data protection enforcement. Personal data protection enforcement teams are established in six blood centers, including the event response team, information security team, audit team, file management team, and the personal information point of contact. The blood centers are to fully proceed with personal information inventory management and risk assessment after their inventory management trainings, to verify all personal information electronic files and paper files are under proper protection and management. Concurrently, we are to proceed with information asset inventory management and to draw out personal data protection measures.
Audits on all outsourced businesses with high volumes of personal data are conducted. Blood screen test reports, Hotblood Magazine printing / mailing companies are audited to ensure their personal information management capabilities, to fulfill our duty of safeguarding the personal data and to protect the right of the blood donors.
Personal data protection is the responsibility of all staff within the Foundation, and correct concepts of personal data protection are enhanced through continuing education. In 2013, the blood centers invited attorneys, government officials, technical advisors, and other experts to hold seminars, with a total of 25 sessions, at the same time required all employees to take online learning sessions, and to take after-session assessments, in order to verify the effectiveness of their learning.
To implement personal data protection measures, the current standard daily operational procedure manual must be re-examined for updates. More than 20 sets of the SOP manual updates are to be completed this year, projecting to integrate personal data protection measures into the operating procedures.
Continue to strengthen information security
It is inseparable between one's daily activities and the internet. Blood donors can obtain instant news updates on the blood centers', and to review their personal donor data. Test reports are being emailed to 60% of the blood donor population. Beginning from 2014, one must enter a personal identification password prior to open the electronic test report, to properly enhance and provide personal information.
Strengthening the information and communication security is an ongoing work. The Foundation upgraded the network bandwidth, constructed bandwidth management equipments, and updated the firewall in 2013, to achieve optimal implantation of the limited resources available. Internet channels will be strictly guarded to ensure utmost safety within our network and database.
Information System Update
The blood collection and supply management system reconstruction has been one of our focused projects in the recent years. Upon completion of the system variance analysis, parameter setting will continue to follow operation procedures. Discussion on the field correspondence due to data conversion is complete. Customized modules and program design has been prototyped according to our business needs, and will continue to proceed.
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  • Post Unit:Taiwan Blood Services Foundation
  • Visitors:6384
  • Last Update:2014/04/24 09:51:04